03 September, 2017

New Music! And Short Films

I was watching short films again on YouTube, which is a hobby which I developed since this year. Short films are very interesting; the ones I watched are full of eerie and chilly suspenses in between them and very imaginative plots embedded in them.

This video was one of the ones I watched days ago, which is about a girl named Lalin; who sadly is very conscious of how she looks and a story followed suit about this state of mind of hers.

The video above lead me to a new favourite song of mine, and I placed the link down below so you would be able to listen to it too. It's real nice and really bring things to a new shed of light.

God, I love this song :) It's called How Long by Jelly Rocket.

I watched Bad Genius last week. That really opened my eyes to the creative potentials that the people of Thailand could achieve if we would just give them the chance. I will definitely widen my options in music and movies towards the benefits of theirs so there will be more that I can share in my blog :)

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