07 January, 2014

Requiem for a Dream

This movie was simply an eye-opener for me of the dark side of reality; where nobody can help you but yourself, where rationality plays an important part in our lives, and where all the skills we've learned before are being tested at. As nobody can live without money, but can we make the right choice for us to earn the money we need so much? Are you going to do drugs or silly things just for money?

The film has already proved to me that every human is dependent; nobody can live alone, especially when they are having some problems in their lives. We need people to give opinions, and most of the time we would be guided by the wrong ones because nobody can truly see what's the best for the other. We wanted to help, but we helped in the wrong ways. We were so influenced by what our friends think of us and their suggestions that we could not really decide which path is the best for ourselves. Nobody will tell you what to do and what not to do, nobody is there to guide you; we want what other people has so, so much that we thought it is the right one for us as well. And all these are what this movie is all about.

Hence, I strongly recommend this movie to everyone BUT bear in mind that this movie ought to be rated PG for some of its disturbing scenes.

All the screenshots above are taken by me.

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